*Biography of Madame Curie:
Madame Curie was a woman and she was a physicalist and scientist. Madame was born the seventh of december of 1897, in Poland, but, also, she lived in Paris, France, Russia... She was the first person in get two Nobels Awards. She was a very important woman in the history, because she invented a lot of things, for example, the X-Ray, the Radioactivity and something chemicals, for example, the uraniom. In the First Mundial War, there she invented the radiography for the injured soldiers.
Madame Curie was very intelligent. She had long, straight, dark hair. Also, she had a small nose and two brown , small eyes. Her skin was very white. She died the fourth of july of 1934, in France, when she was 66 yeards old.
This was Madame Curie, she was very important!!!
*Biography of Einstein:
Albert Einstein was very important man in the history, because he discovered the relativity of the gravitity. He was very known and the most important of the century XX. He was a physic and a scientits. Eistein was born the fourtenth of march of 1879, in Germany. Also, he lived in United States. In 1921, got the Nobel Awards Physical. He worked in a lot of universities. His family also, was very intelligent, especially, his aunt. He lived with a family not much poor and not much rich. He discovered lot of things of the science.
Albert Einstein was very intelligent. Also, he was very funny. He had short, straight, white hair, a white moustache and a big nose. He was very old. He love estudied about the science. Einstein died the eightenth of april of 1955, in United States, when he was 76 yeards old.
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